Content №2 2023

Geology 5
P. H. Pihulevskyi, O. V. Kendzera, K. V. Babii, L. B. Anisimova, O. S. Kyryliuk Connection of Kryvbas tectonics with natural and technogenic seismicity 5
D. V. Rudakov, O. V. Inkin An approach for ranking abandoned mines by the efficient use of their geothermal potential 11
M. A. Mizernaya, A. P. Miroshnikova, A. I. Mizerny, K. T. Zikirova, Z. I. Chernenko Geology, magmatism and specific features of mineralization of Bakyrchik ore field (Eastern Kazakhstan) 19
Mining 25
Ye. A. Koroviaka, M. R. Mekshun, A. O. Ihnatov, B. T. Ratov, Ya. S. Tkachenko, Ye. M. Stavychnyi Determining technological properties of drilling muds 25
Tien Trung Vu, Hung Duc Pham Influence of underground mining activities on the topographic surface, case study of Nui Beo Coal Mine (Vietnam) 33
A. O. Herasymenko, V. O. Rastsvietaiev, A. L. Shyrin Selection of the means of auxiliary transportation facilities and adaptation of their parameters to specific operation conditions 40
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 47
V. S. Morkun, N. V. Morkun, V. V. Tron, O. Y. Serdiuk, A. A. Haponenko Using nonlinear ultrasonic measurements to estimate parameters of the sedimentation of slurry solid phase in thickener 47
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 53
S. M. Ponomarenko, I. Yu. Potapchuk, L. B. Kabakova, Yu. M. Radchenko Patterns of air mixture movement in the operating area for the annular ejector of pneumatic transportation system 53
V. G. Shapoval, H. P. Ivanova, S. N. Hapieiev, V. V. Yanko, S. O. Barsukova Contact tensions under the sole of rigid deep laying foundations and ground anchors 58
B. Eller, S. Szalai, M. Sysyn, D. Harrach, J. Liu, S. Fischer Inner shear resistance increasing effect of Concrete Canvas in ballasted railway tracks 64
R. V. Puzik, V. Y. Kondus, I. V. Pavlenko, S. S. Antonenko The influence of the impeller design features on the combined operating process of the torque-flow pump 71
M. Sailygarayeva, A. Nurlan, K. Rysbekov, S. Soltabayeva, B. Amralinova, Zh. Baygurin Predicting of vertical displacements of structures of engineering buildings and facilities 77
Power Supply Technologies 84
R. V. Bulhakov, T. V. Rabocha, O. S. Frolov, A. V. Ventsyuk Peculiarities of thermomodernization of the heating system of military infrastructure complexes 84
Environmental Safety, Labour Protection 91
V. Koval, I. Mikhno, O. Zharikova, O. Tsvirko, T. Metil, V. Nitsenko Investment management and financial development in infrastructure renovation of a sustainable-built environment 91
N. M. Fialko, R. O. Navrodska, S. I. Shevchuk, G. O. Sbrodova Improving the environmental efficiency of glass furnace chimneys using heat recovery technologies 98
V. A. Tsopa, S. I. Cheberiachko, O. O. Yavorska, O. V. Deryugin, T. O. Bilko Improving the process of occupational risk ­management according to the Haddon matrix 105
S. V. Tymoshuk, S. V. Pysarevska, R. S. Petryshyn, Z. M. Yaremko Social responsibility for the safety and health of employees at work 113
M. Dolynska, L. Yarmol, N. Ilkiv, R. Butynska, V. Masin Theoretical and legal aspects of the regulation of environmental and land legal relations in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine 118
F. Ait Merzeg, N. Bait, T. Mokrani, I. Akkari, R. Ladji, K. Bachari Phenol adsorption onto olive pomace activated carbon: modelling and optimization 125
Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration 134
Botagoz Issina, Dmytro Kozachenko, Ihor Taran, Gulzhan Muratbekova, Zukhra Bitileuova Increasing the efficiency of using backline and private railway infrastructure in the conditions of the transportation market 134
T. Tsygankova, O. Yatsenko, T. Obolenska, T. Gordieieva, V. Osadchuk Influence of Industry 4.0 on strategies of companies entering the global market of data integration services 141
H. Kryshtal, L. Zgalat-Lozynska, O. Denysiuk, H. Skyba, Ye. Panin The impact of Industry 4.0 on the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises in Ukraine 149
H. Hapich, O. Orlinska, D. Pikarenia, I. Chushkina, A. Pavlychenko, H. Roubík Prospective methods for determining water losses from irrigation systems to ensure food and water security of Ukraine 154
Economy and Management 161
N. Kalyuzhna, A. Khodzhaian, I. Baron Economic security of Ukraine under the destructive influence of exogenous determinants 161
L. M. Radzihovska, I. O. Hulivata, L. P. Husak, I. I. Nikolina, O. V. Ivashchuk Peculiarities of evaluating the results of implementation of regional development programs in Ukraine 171
O. G. Vagonova, N. G. Metelenko, O. O. Shapurov, V. V. Chornobayev Efficiency and internationalization of mining and ­metallurgical groups of Ukraine 177
V. D. Zalizko, R. H. Dobrowolski, Y. I. Myskin, O. M. Sokolova, S. A. Diachenko Definlandization and the new economic policy of Ukraine in the post-war period 184
A. Yu. Polchanov, N. G. Vyhovska, T. P. Ostapchuk, S. M. Diachek Profitability determinants of companies in IT industry: case of Ukraine 190

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